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Sometimes I think being a business owner is really hard. And then I think about being the family member of a business owner and I realize that their job is even harder. Our loved ones support us in the joyful moments and the not-so joyful moments of business ownership. They deal with long nights, early mornings and all of the frustrations in between. Personally, I know I can get overwhelmed or too tied into what I’m doing (that’s what balancing multiple jobs will do to you!) and I have a tendency to rush through “personal” or “family” things on my list because work has always been so important to me. Small business owners are a whole other breed. So during this season of love, I thought I’d share a few tips on how to love the small business owner in your life and remember that they NEED you – even when it might not feel that way.
1. Understand that their business is their lifeline. For us, my business is my income. This means that my monetary contribution to the family relies on me accomplishing all of the tasks I need to. Which can be stressful, as you’d imagine. But not only that, this business is something I’ve built and created all BY myself, FOR myself and our family. When someone treats my business like it isn’t a “real” job, it’s hurtful. So just remember to be respectful of the fact that business owners are hustling every day to make their dreams come true. It may not be a traditional 9-5 like you, but their business is their job and their life.
2. Help them establish boundaries so you don’t get lost. While our businesses are our lives, we need help learning to “turn them off”. This takes team work. Help your small business owner lay out boundaries that help you connect as a couple or family. I’m working on implementing a few myself that include office hours, where I can be expected to answer emails and complete (non-emergency) tasks, working to not answer emails on my phone in front of my family and friends and just understanding that things can wait. I’m allowed to have a life, take a Saturday to visit the zoo or just be with my family.

3. Be respectful of the fact they work from home. See point #1 as a reminder that this IS a real job! Just because a small business owner works from home, don’t expect the dishes to always be clean or the laundry done or the house spotless. They’re at their desks or out shooting because that’s their JOB! Help define expectations for both of you as a team of how to handle chores and general life tasks. Trust me, it’s way better than arguing over “if you’re home all day, why isn’t dinner ready now?”!
4. Encourage seasons of hustle + seasons of rest. Being a small business owner requires a lot of hard work, sacrifice and time. Sometimes those seasons of hustle come at a price – less time with family, less time resting or taking care of yourself. As someone who loves a small business owner, remember that it’s your job to remind them to take the time for themselves when they can. A small business shouldn’t be 100% hustle. Although they might fight you at first, remind them that they’re building this business to do what they love – not work 23 hours a day.
5. Just love them. Remind them that they are worth it, they are enough and you love them for doing what they’re doing. Be supportive in any way you can. These two things are honestly the most important. No matter what, being in their corner is the best thing you can do for a small business owner.
Always remember, this is the choice they made and it never gets easier to run your own business (maybe smoother but not easier!). Support is the best thing you can give them! So go! Hug the business owner you love! Got any tips for loving your small business owner? I’d love to hear them! Drop me a line here!
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