Earlier this week, I shared my accomplishments + well… my not-so shining moments from January and the start of the Contentment Challenge! I thought it would be a good idea to share my February goals! These are (of course) in addition to my existing guidelines! Find those here! Now, onto these goals…
1) Clean out my craft closet. Purge supplies I do not/will not use, organize the supplies I will use in a more streamlined and straightforward fashion!
2) Sort + donate books, DVDs, puzzles, board games and CDs we/I do not want or use anymore. This will be hard, but I really think I can do it!
3) Reduce eating out to once weekly and use coupons and/or giftcards for any meals out.
4) Find a good meal planning worksheet to use.
5) Review cost of household item purchases to determine if having them delivered makes more sense!
6) Get off my phone/computer by 8:30PM each night so I can just BE with Ryan – we can watch one of our shows, talk or just hang out.
7) Start keeping a gratitude journal and write 2-3 things every day that I’m grateful for. (I did this in college and it was great for my mental health. And it’s fun to look at now, too!).
8) Make sure all the donation piles in my house and car actually get to the donation locations by Valentine’s Day!
I think those are good goals to keep the spirit of the challenge moving! This month to me is really about focusing on why I’m doing this challenge – which means my husband and simplifying our lives. I didn’t quite get through all of the simplification I hoped to in January but I can tell a huge difference when I approach those spaces now. They just feel better. I know that if I keep up the momentum, I’ll feel better everywhere I go in the house. I can’t wait!
If you’ve joined in the challenge, what were your wins for January + your plans for February?! I want to hear all about them! I love being able to support others in this challenge. It’s such a source of inspiration + motivation! Good luck!!
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