When I first started as a photographer, I listened to a lot of educational videos and read about many other women who ran successful businesses. One thing they shared often was how they outsourced parts of their work, so that they could focus on what was most important. As I began to work as a virtual assistant, I realized how vital being able to hand things off really was. But, as I talked to potential clients and friends, I also came to understand that so many entrepreneurs think outsourcing is unobtainable for them. I want to share 3 signs you need to outsource with you today. You might realize you’re more ready than you thought!
First, let me start by saying that outsourcing isn’t a box to check off when you hit certain financial goals or milestones in your business. Outsourcing is a strategic move to ensure that you’re giving the best of you to whatever the most important part of your business and life is, while still allowing your buisness to move forward. A lot of business owners think they have to wait for some specific moment to be able to start handing things off, but that just isn’t the case. Here’s 3 signs you need to outsource tasks in your business!
Sign #1: There aren’t enough hours in the day to handle your entire to-do list.
Alright, that one’s a little bit broad. But it’s still true. If you’re finding that every single day your list is longer than the time you have to give it and you walk away from your desk feeling frustrated most of the time, you need some extra help. Imagine if you could hand off a quarter or half your list to someone else and get your time back. Can you believe how much more you’d accomplish? And yes, I 100% count resting on the couch with your favorite ice cream as something worth accomplishing instead of being chained to your desk all day.
Sign #2: You’re making what you need consistently, but feel like you’ve hit a plateau.
If you’re consistently making what you need to pay the bills (and some extra to pay a new hire!), that’s a good sign. If you feel like you’re consistently making what you need AND hitting a plateau (meaning you’re not making more than that), it might be time for some help. Handing over some tasks will free up your time to focus on bigger picture items… like opening your online store or building out the next part of your studio for new session types.
Sign #3: You’re stuck doing something you really hate A LOT.
If you have a task that you absolutely despise doing, it’s time to think about finding someone else to do it. It’s no secret that we often put off the things we don’t want to do, simply because we don’t like them (yep, same reason your laundry never gets folded the same day it’s washed!). So instead of just simply knocking out the task, we drag it out and often waste MORE time doing that task than if we just let someone who knows what they’re doing and –gasp – actually enjoys it do that task for us!
See? Nothing about having to make six figures to be able to outsource. Now, keep in mind, outsourcing shouldn’t make you poor. I’m all for outsourcing what you don’t like and find to be a time suck – like editing, client management, or even your cleaning. But don’t let it bankrupt you. Make sure you’re doing what fits into your budget and what you’re comfortable with! The whole point is to be able to let someone else handle it and not have to worry about what’s going on. So tell me…. What will you be outsourcing first?!
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