You don't have to do it alone.

Let me tell you a story...

my story...

I've built my life around helping other small business owners achieve their dreams. Every day, I show up in my office and write, plan, coordinate, and talk with people all over the world. When I'm not writing blogs for my clients, I'm with my son, David and my husband, Ryan. 

I'm a Type 2, an INFJ, and truly a helper to my core. Not only do I want to make my clients' lives easier + give them time back, but I want to give them FREEDOM. By building a content schedule with intent and purpose, I can do just that. I want to help other entrepreneurs find freedom in their lives and by running their own businesses with confidence. I want to change the world, one person at a time.

I can't wait to meet you and thank you, seriously, for being here with me. 

A Wife, MOTHER, Content WRiter, Coach + dreamer.

I'm Kristina.


I could make a CAREER out of this. People wanted me to write for them. They wanted me to share their hard work, their triumphs, and their moments of joy. I knew, in my heart, there were MORE people who needed a little extra help. Business owners shouldn't have to do this alone. It takes a team to run a strong business and YOU deserve a life outside your office.  And the rest of my business was born, with my baby in my lap and my head full of hope.

and then I realized...

I started my own photography business in college. When you go to a school known for its Conservatory program, let's just say... there's a lot of opportunities to get behind a camera. After I met + married my husband in 2015, I thought I should get a "real job" and leave the business behind. So, I did. For 6 months. I'm not joking!

 6 months into my "day job" as a research assistant at a military facility studying Traumatic Brain Injuries, I felt like I was missing part of myself. So I re-opened the business and got started. As we began to search for our next step and home, I found more opportunities to assist small business owners behind the scenes. At that point, I was managing calendars and writing some blogs. Word got out and before I knew it, things got really busy. 

My Story

Get  to  Know me...

1. Fav MOVIE

Little women (2019) + Funny girl

2. workout of choice

Weight lifting & Running

3. book

the bridges of madison county

4. can't live without

Pizza & Musicals

5. travel spot

The beach

Learn more on the blog

Get  to  Know me...

6. fav book

food freedoom forever

7. fav scripture

ephesians 3:14-21

8. yoga pose

savasana (duh!)

9. daily breakfast

green smoothie

10. brands i love

lululemon + nike

go back

meet the team...


image prep and babysitter for the office mascot

Content Writer and graphic designer extraordinaire

Send me a note!

Like what you're reading? Let's chat. I love connecting with new business owners + entrepreneurs! 

are we a match?!